The Story...
While living in Steamboat Springs in 2006, a friend made some toffee from a church cookbook, and knowing I love to cook, bake, and experiment with my cooking, shared it with me. It was very good, but for some unknown reason I thought I would love to experiment with it. Could I take it to where I thought it should be? I asked for the recipe and began my unorthodox trials to make a toffee that was indeed mind-blowing. I had never made candy of any sort until I began these experiments leading to my recipe of recipes. Having achieved some success with high-altitude baking, I deviated from some of the mainstream principles of candy making to arrive at the sweet, almond, hazelnut, and coffee gastro-symphonies we have today.
I’ve come to realize my inspiration for toffee-making comes from my love of smoke-cooking and BBQ, where flavors are bold and uncomplicated and lean to the darker side of the spectrum.
The fun part in all of this, there never was any trouble finding friends and foodies who would test the toffee and share their opinion (and continue to do so in the name of quality assurance). It was with their encouragement, and perhaps their desire to have a ready supply of superior toffee that the Steamboat Toffee Company LLC was formed. The summer of 2016 saw me moving to Denver full-time, and knowing I had a proven winning product in my hands, I launched a second brand — Red Rocks Toffee Company Ltd.
Our customers and friends claim that the most amazing attribute of our toffee, beyond its deliciously full almond and hazelnut flavors, is the texture. Its been described as crumbly. We think that’s wild. Cooking at higher than 7,000 feet elevation certainly has a huge bearing on the toffee being so special.
That is why our toffee, poly-sealed, then packaged in a crisp white box with a butter-yellow wrapper label, has a distinct clean look with a very traditional feel. Our wrapper label is made so we can easily swap out graphics with those of a customer’s. We put the customer’s logo/information on the top part of the label. Our co-branding has been appreciated by the forward-thinking customers who have made use of the service. Examples for this: corporate gift giving, business to business promotions, school/nonprofit fundraising, weddings and events of all kinds.
We’re happy to be approximately 4 miles from the world-famous Red Rocks Amphitheater.
We sell our packaged product directly out of our location just off U.S. 285, online, and to a small handful of well-chosen retailers. The opportunity to meet our customers and make new friends face-to-face and get their reactions and opinions is certainly the best aspect of all. It is a thrill to learn how they enjoy our toffee, get our vibe, understand our mission and groove on how we do business. As people come in, we have been able to meet many of our neighbors from the foothills and beyond, and we are very encouraged by their helpful kindness. They have been so thoroughly supportive.
Yes, ours is truly BLUE RIBBON TOFFEE, our toffee was a blue-ribbon award winner at the Routt County Fair, in northwest Colorado.
Check out these very wonderful newspaper articles, from the Denver Post and the Columbine Courier!
Don’t miss this video of a Colorado Proud presentation on Channel 2 In Denver
I cherish my friends and chosen family, whose care and love has sustained me through so much.
And finally, I thank YOU for ENJOYING our toffee and SHARING our passion. We certainly look forward to meeting you soon here at the outlet or somewhere down the road!
Peter Toffee

Nutrition Facts
Consumers with food allergies and food sensitivities, please read the ingredient and allergen statements carefully
Check below for nutrition facts!